The Wall

This week, PBS Frontline released a documentary on immigration in America. Other than the eerie background music, it’s pretty good. I also watched the supporting interviews, which the program was made from, and see three sides to the story. Here’s what you need to know.

Current regulations in America make it easy for outsiders to enter the country. Couple that with instability in many Central American countries and organized coyote caravans selling destination packages to the US, and the problem is getting worse. So let’s start with what’s on the public’s mind. Most people believe in a two-part solution:

  • Secure the border
  • Provide amnesty for those already here, namely dreamers

Sounds simple but neither political party was interested before 2016. After Mitt Romney’s loss to President Obama in 2012, the Republicans performed an autopsy on the federal election. One recommendation was to appeal to Spanish voters by agreeing with a pathway to citizenship for those who’ve illegally entered the country. Hardliners disagreed. 

Those opposed say amnesty only provides incentive for more people to come. And then point to Ronald Reagan’s bill in 1986 that granted amnesty to 3 million undocumented workers but didn’t secure the border. They call it an emotional fix with no long term solution. And say neither political party is willing to address the issue because big business loves the cheap labour and Democrats figure these people will eventually vote for them.

Trump likes the idea of dreamers—and was willing to go with just that—but hardliners caught him before signing. They say, you’re not giving away amnesty before securing the wall. And that’s where we sit.

Note: For more on the issue, check Wiki. Here’s a link to the documentary. And to watch all supporting interviews click here.

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