Chapter 3

“I’ll be back to work tomorrow. Just got to finish up a few affairs with my wife’s passing ….. Thank you for mentioning, I’ll be back to work tomorrow.”

Not even a bouquet of flowers. Sixteen years with a company and no one sends a lousy bouquet of flowers when your wife passes. Guess after a while you just become part of the machinery. But still you’d think they’d send a bouquet of flowers.


I wonder if anyone can see. And if they could I wonder what they’d think? Am I the only son-of-a-bitch crazy enough to be sitting in a laudramat at three o’clock in the morning. Well, I couldn’t sleep and needed clean clothes.

If that fly comes by one more time I swear I’ll get my gun and shoot the bastard.

Now what the fuck do I do. It says “Insert Rinse” but I don’t have any rinse. I think I’ll just put in a little more water. How’s the machine to know it isn’t real rinse?


The next Italian singing sensation, Danny Acapella, will be appearing at the Roxborough Inn, Saturday October 5th, for one night only. Tickets $10.00 in advance or $15.00 at the door.

Who the fuck is Danny Acapella? And if he’s such a sensation, why are they advertising him in a laundromat? Don’t you love how they use big words in small places? Ah, maybe I’ll go. I’ll see.

My dad used to sing. He sang all the time. Mining songs from the 1890’s, or so he said. Said his grandfather was a coal miner. Used to go down the shaft with pick and shovel and bring up what he could. God, what a way to make a living. In those days mines used to explode often enough to keep you thinking. Some asshole would fuck something up and kaboom, 50-100 men buried alive. What a way to die.


Danny Acapella wasn’t so bad. It was obvious his best days are behind him. Costume was worn, jokes were old, hair was thinning, waistline thickening. He kind ‘of reminded me of myself. I don’t know where they came up with the line “next sensation?” I think the only next thing for Danny is a retirement home.

But he sang good songs and his jokes were clean. Always strikes me funny seeing working people out on a Saturday night getting just shit-faced. Lots of people don’t have much to live for. And a lot of folks don’t have a pot to piss in for savings. They live for drinking on Saturday nights, enjoying some washed up old has-been like Danny Acapella, figuring he’s just the best damn singer in all the land.

They should have heard my dad.

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