The Election

Make no mistake about it, Donald Trump is going to win this election. But a lot of people want him out. Not just the Dems, they’re the least of his concerns, all of Hollywood, every comedian, Lebron James, and the entire NFL want him out. Plus a lot of powerful people you don’t even know (e.g., from Switzerland). At the same time a lot of people want him in. So we’re about to see politics at its fiercest. 

First of all, Trump will win. And not only will he win, he’ll capture 70 million votes. One more than Barack Obama’s record 69. Why? Because the whole underclass is with him. He has 82 million followers. Sure, some don’t like the man but he’s still got to have 60. Plus a bunch who don’t tweet. And according to every social media player out there, followers vote. So not only will he win, he’ll win big. A complete annihilation that will take Dems years to rebuild.

This is not a battle between traditional left and right. The old Republicans were idiots and everyone knew it. Remember the Tea Party? Absolute fools. But this new team has been modified to represent working class people. Those not participating in fun capitalism because they never got a piece of paper. This is the Repub’s new demographic (and why Mitch McConnell is smiling). They used to be called Reagan democrats you dummies! 

And they’ll no longer be socially anal. Finally getting the message. Yes, they rely on Bible-thumper support but man, those numbers are dwindling. We need some new blood.

Currently, Democrats are a mess. As the saying goes: liberals were the good guys, now they’re freaking crazy. Much of America is horrified by these thoughts. Besides, Chuck, Nancy, and Joe are closing in on 80, and Bernie’s older than them. What happened to the Obama-Clinton party? Did everyone leave town? There’s nothing positive going on. Only oldies fighting with kids. It’s ridiculous.


But a lot of people still want him out. So are they smart? Are they wise? How about athletes? Lebron is easily one of the world’s finest people but has he studied political theory or economics? Can’t he recognize what Trump has achieved within his critique? At least some of it? King James is certainly a great person but I wouldn’t proxy him my vote.

And how about Hollywood? Are they good? Remember they booed Michael Moore off the stage. The Oscar was for Bowling for Columbine, the best documentary ever made. No more noble a left-winger exists than heart-on-my-sleeve Mike and they booed him for saying there were no weapons of mass destruction. It was Day 5 of the Iraqi invasion and Michael knew the fact. So he said it out loud and the pretty dresses would have none of it. “Tuck in your shirt, Mike. We’ve got this.” 

Anyway, Michael hates him too. Even after Trump made jobs for Flint, released all those prisoners, went easy on gay marriage and dope, and opposed YouTube from censoring Michael’s new film. So what’s he saying?

Next on the list are the generals. These boys came out recently with overwhelming disparagement. Again, I wonder. Ever study Eisenhower’s caution over the industrial military complex? You should. The generals were happy when Trump let them have at it with ISIS, but when he decided to pull out they got pissed off. Which translates into motive.

Last on the list is Glenn Greenwald. He also hates Trump. Glenn’s reputation is so impeccable that superstar author and columnist, Matt Taibbi, just left Rolling Stone to join him. They are the best two around. And in case you didn’t know, Glenn broke the story on Snowden, which has two things to say. Glenn’s not afraid of higher power and Edward Snowden felt he was the right choice. You see, Snowden was snitching on his nation which forced Obama into making changes. Ones that protect personal privacy by limiting what government can know about you. Edward chose Greenwald to represent him. As a result, Glenn now resides in Brazil—not allowed back in the States. 

Anyway, Glenn hates Trump. And not only does he hate him, he’s fair about it. Not your everyday liberal. A straight up shooter who digs for the truth. (At least when it comes to important matters—everyone’s got to make a living.) Anyway, over the entire Russia affair, Glenn defended Donald. He called it a deep-state situation not worthy of news. But he still hates the man so he must be holding something.


The first rule of knowledge is to know where your information is coming from. Solid info doesn’t come from buddies on a soapbox, it comes from professionals who follow this stuff. And there are two types: academics and journalists. Those who study and those who observe. 

Some reporters look up theory but most do it by feel. These three guys are good. Matt traveled on the plane with Trump during the 2016 election and got to know his base. He also called Russia a hoax, but again, Matt doesn’t support Trump. 

So maybe forget about Hollywood before casting your ballot and listen to Glenn, Matt, and Mike. They tell the other side of the story.

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