
Men and women fight different—and it’s about time somebody put it down on paper.

Women go crazy

Let’s get right to it: we love you, girls, but you’re freaking nuts.

All female actions and reactions should not be judged by logic and every man needs to know just how to manage a crazy spell. We can’t explain, intercept, or successfully predict them or their outcome. All we know is these outbursts occur from time to time, and that’s just the price of having a girl.

Women are definitely the more emotionally advanced of the sexes; losing it on occasion seems to be a consequence of this. And when they do, they can spew some pretty nasty stew.  

Men explode

Chicks let you take something back, which is great. Shelley can call her sister a “bitch-whore-slut” one day, apologize, and then go shopping with her the next. Men aren’t like that.

Men have a system where there’s a line, and once you cross it—no forgiveness. They’ll fire a warning shot when Buddy’s getting close. And if Buddy keeps coming—bang, punch in the nose, and we’re done.

Conflict management

Fighting isn’t the same as having an argument. Arguing can be calm, fighting is not.

Women have the ability to spew venom for hours without limits. But this just isn’t the case with boys, and it’s important for women to understand this distinction. Men have a point where you simply must stop. And they’ll react very strongly when you get there.

Men on the other hand, must learn to walk away. Women can’t always restrict themselves during a rampage so it’s ridiculous to expect them to manage such conflict. That’s a man’s job. Which means, even though it’s your own home—you must leave.

Remember, a gentleman never insists on winning a fight and always maintains control when dealing with a lady. The Barenaked Ladies have a lyric that goes, learn to lose, it’s easier that way.

Good advice.

Note: This excerpt comes from the book, Marriage Figured Out.

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