An Education Company

The business of education may be exploding but there’s still one avenue yet to be explored—quick, efficient learning at reasonable prices. What would you think of introductory business, politics, or history, delivered to you all in one night for just $99? That’s what education companies do and every town should have one.

The existing system costs too much, takes too long, and information provided gets mostly forgotten. Plus it’s often taught by people who shouldn’t be in the field. Education companies conquer all this by providing high level overviews, which deliver the basics, backed by full bodied learning paths to get you more. Material is continually kept online and everything is delivered by excellent speakers.

We’re in an age of self-learning and many of us just need a push. A three-hour overview with details on how to get more is all you really need. Through in a hot-line for when you get stuck and we’re off. Does this method replace traditional learning? Of course not, if you want to be a doctor you still need med school. This style is for subjects that aren’t your specialty. Let’s say you’re an engineer who’d like to know more about the world, what are your options? Sign up for another three-year degree or take a class.

Since people don’t have the time to wade through billions of textbooks looking for all that is good, education companies do this for you. We summarize thousands of pages to deliver the absolute gist and then provide you with a path to get even more—all for a reasonable buck.

Initially ten courses will be provided so you get some awesome learning for $990. Here’s the list:

  • Business 101
  • Economics 101
  • History 101
  • Philosophy 101
  • Politics 101
  • Psychology 101
  • Religion 101
  • Cooking 101
  • Health 101
  • Relationships 101

And we tailor for corporate clients to deliver whatever you wish.

By using top-notch instructors who quickly get to the point, this style of learning works well. Granted it’s not appropriate for all topics (like nuclear physics or accounting) but it’s good for those seeking a basic understanding. And it’s great for those who didn’t enjoy school in the first place.

Governments have messed things up by making school too difficult. Traditionally, they force you into a forest when all you want is some trees. And it’s an old boys club when it comes to being allowed to teach. Education companies don’t do this. They quickly take you to the bottom line and then make it easy from there.


Holding a broad education has big value and is something we all need. But unfortunately, none of us have one. We’ve become specialists in our fields who then remain ignorant on most everything else. Education companies solve this problem. They bring smart people up to speed and facilitate those who didn’t enjoy learning in the first place. It’s a new concept that’s going to bust loose. Everyone knows learning shouldn’t be that hard and many are thirsting for knowledge. So here it is. Say hello to education companies.

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