Triple Crown

Before my friend Donald J gets woefully impeached, I’d like to say something nice about him that has nothing to do with politics. Donald J is the first person in history ever to win the salesperson’s triple crown—and it’s an accomplishment worth mentioning.

Every salesperson ever assigned a territory yearns to become three things: an entrepreneur, a politician, and a stand-up. And Donald J has accomplished all three. Let me explain.


Salespeople yearn for entrepreneurship because it’s the next step in sales ability. Not only do you sell yourself to customers but you have to get suppliers, employees, and investors (e.g., banks) to believe in you. No small task for anyone’s personality.

And though some feel this title should be reserved only for those who’ve gotten something off the ground—they’re wrong. Kids who inherit a business are just as bona fide—they’re not cheaters. Sure some have lived a pampered life, but most work just as hard, face as many difficulties, and are often of a higher order than their parents.

The two parts to building a business are getting it off the ground and growing it. It’s surely an accomplishment to get something going, but it’s an even bigger deal to grow it. Why? Because the second half takes more intelligence, chutzpah, and business acumen than the hard work of the first. And these accomplishments should never be discounted or diminished.

When I walk out in Vegas and see a tower with Donald’s name on it, I can’t believe how cool that is. This guy owns tons of high quality real estate (downtown office towers and apartment buildings), a luxury real estate firm, 14 five star hotels, 18 world class golf course / resorts, and a 1300 acre winery—among other things. Are you kidding me? It’s a kick-ass corporation that any entrepreneur would be proud of (

Bottom line: Donald wasn’t lucky—he’s good. And every salesperson out there knows it.


Politician? Why politics? Because it’s the ultimate sale. You’re selling to thousands (in Donald’s case, millions) and it’s about people skills. The customers aren’t engineers trying to dismantle your argument. They’re regular folk looking for inspiration, simple logic, and a little bullshit to make them feel good. And the victor is always the one who can best appeal to the masses.

Plus almost anyone can do it. It’s not like you have to be especially qualified for the job. The most famous politicians of our time didn’t attain their reputations or get anywhere because of their brains. They did it all with people skills. And that’s what’s fascinating to salespeople.

Donald J didn’t just become a politician, he went straight to the top. Doing it all with pure strategy and salesmanship. It was amazing. Against all odds, against the media, against the establishment, against his party, and against almost everything else. It really was amazing.


Comic? Yes comic. It’s the least important of the three, but still a silent aspiration of most people in sales. Why? Because you’re showing off your abilities in front of strangers. Entertainment abilities. And what salesperson doesn’t think he or she is entertaining?

Okay, so Donald didn’t do a stand-up show on HBO, but every comic out there has a dream for television. And Donald J jumped passed all the grunt work and got right to it. Remember, The Apprentice and Celebrity Apprentice were number one shows that ran for long periods of time. Number one shows. Pretty big deal for just a salesman.

Italy’s Silvio Berlusconi got close. He was a billionaire who also became country president. But he owned television stations, he didn’t perform. And Newfoundland’s Danny Williams was also a rich guy who became political leader, but Danny was a lawyer by trade (so he probably knew what he was doing—and wasn’t funny).


Salesmanship is the ability to do something with just your personality. To move people with only your words and a smile. It’s not likeability. Lots of people are likeable. Salesmanship is the ability to move people without losing your likeability. And to attain sustainability in the field, you must move them to a place that’s beneficial for both you and them.

Forget your political views for a moment and see who this guy is. Donald J is the first person ever to win the salesperson triple crown. And he didn’t just win it, he demolished it. His achievements set a bar that will probably never be matched. Entrepreneur billionaire, TV star, and President of the US. Give me a break. What’s cooler than that?

So on behalf of overachievers everywhere, I hereby declare Donald J, king. He’s ambitious, fearless, and works very hard. And has incredible focus. Something that’s definitely part of the success. Then again, he could also be a psycho (which doesn’t take away from the above).

Note: Watch Conrad Black on Trump. Black is one of his staunchest supporters.