
Nobody ever knows why. You can know who, what, where, and when, but you never really get to know why. For example, you can know when Hitler invaded Poland, how Hitler invaded Poland, where Hitler invaded Poland. But you never really get to know why he did it.

The invasion of Poland:

  • Who: Hitler
  • When: September, 1939
  • Where: in Poland
  • How: with a bunch of Germans

But why the son-of-a-bitch did it will always remain a mystery.

Who, what, where, and when are facts. They’re verifiable. But why is never a fact. It’s always just speculation with multiple alternatives. Was it because he wanted to take over the world? Did some Polish kid once kick him in the nuts? Could he have had a tumor that affected his ability to feel compassion? We’ll never know.

Likewise with relationships. Sara will never know why Tammy and Sue stopped being her friends. Was it because of Sara’s drinking? Did the girls meet someone they thought would be a better fit? Was it because of Tammy and Sue’s subconscious need to grow through other people? Or was it because Sara slept with both of their boyfriends?

And furthermore, Tammy and Sue will never know why themselves. For the next number of years, they’ll replay the same events, re-hash the same information, and continuously arrive at different conclusions. So if we never really know why we do certain things ourselves, how can we know why anyone else does?

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